In this section you will be able to download different forms and publications which the IDA have available to offer.
Lillah/Standing Order
[Download Form]
Alternatively, you can donate online. Click here for details
Jāme’ah Riyādul ‘Uloom
[Download Form]
Riyādus Sālihāt (for sisters 16+)
‘Ālimiyyah/Fādhilah/Preparatory Course (16+)
[Download Form]
Further Education (18+)
[Download Form]
Madrasah Riyādul Qur’ān (for boys)
[Download Form]
Adult Learning Courses (for brothers 18+)
[Download Form]
For publications related to Hajj and Umrah, please visit the Hajj & Umrah Section.
To obtain a nikāh application form please contact the IDA (0116 262 5440) and arrange the date and time for nikāh.
Please visit the Publications Section.
Sadaqatul Fitr [Download PDF]